How to insert YouTube video in a Quiz question


SharePoint 2010 solution 
  1. Open youtube video in a browser, and copy video ID from the URL bar (e.g. for ID is QhyYHlB38wg).
  2. Insert video ID between and ?version=3&feature=player_detailpage and compile the result link (e.g. of a result link
  3. Put cursor into the question text area, Use Insert tab of the Ribbon and choose Embedded Media > from Address> Flash> specify the window size and paste the link into the video address.
SharePoint 2013 solution
  1. Open youtube video in a browser, under the video frame click Share button, select Embed and copy the embed code (e.g. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>) in the clipboard.
  2. Put cursor into the question text area, Use Insert tab of the Ribbon and choose Embed and paste the embed code in the field appeared and click Insert button.

NOTE: Some video authors restrict playing videos on other than YouTube sites.


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