How to rename column "Access Period" in the course offerings list

  1. Go to course offering list,
  2. Open list settings,
  3. Open AccessPeriod column for edit, if you rename AccessPeriod, the field will be renamed in course offering forms only.
  4. To Rename column "Access Period" in the course offerings list, you have to change the ending of the URL from AccessPeriod to CourseDate (e.g. .../_layouts/FldEditEx.aspx?List={1E60FDC8-B202-4CFD-8541-5DF7710181EB}&Field=CourseDate) and rename the field.

These are two fields with the same title (i.e. AccessPeriod and CourseDate). One field is for the list view, another is displayed in course offerings forms. 

NOTE: Once you've changed title of one field, you'll not be able to name these two fields equally.

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