In the enrollment template we had originally mentioned 5 days behind "Subscribe user to X days after getting Enrolled status". As this was not correct understood and we recognized that the status from registration is set to course not completed now we removed it from the field and set the status back to enrolled in the registration list. Today the status turned again to course not completed and I don't know why.
The changes are saved in the enrollment template. Do I need to do something else that these changes are valid or anything else?
When user enrolls to the course with enrollment template 1 version (further ET1) with setting "Subscribe user to X days after getting Enrolled status" is enabled then this user's registrations has applied setting from ET1 and date for moving to Course Completed is calculated. So any changes on enrollment temlate for this registration will not take effect. If you change settings in enrollment template and disabled setting C (further ET2) it will take effect only on new registrations for this course offerings.
Even if you change status to Enrolled manually the settings for date when registration should be moved to the status Course not Completed is the same and it is calculated using information when user is enrolled and settings from ET1. So when syncronization job is executed (by default every day) all registrations will be moved again to Course Not Completed status.
So we suggest to create new registrations for course offerings with ET2 and proceed with these new items.
It should be also noted that if Course offering is still with ET1 setting for "Subscribe user to X days after getting Enrolled status" and admin change status to enrolled manually then date (when registration should be moved to the status Course not Completed) is re-calculated according to this setting.
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